Monday, September 22, 2014


I hate when people ask what your favorite movie or food is, or anything of that sort. How can you really choose a favorite of those types of things when there are so many things to choose from? Even if you narrow it down by categories there will still be too much to choose from. I don’t think that people are capable of actually choosing something. I mean, there are so many foods that I love. I love all different ethnicities of food as well. This makes it super hard to choose. When someone asks me what my favorite of something is, I always just say that I don’t have a favorite and that I could go for pizza right now. Or something like that. My parents always ask me what I want to eat for dinner, but I would just rather be surprised because I am so indecisive. I’m never good at making up my mind about anything. Not just with food, but everything. I really want to be able to have that decisive quality. It would make my whole life so much easier not being afraid to choose something and just say, yes this is what I want. I mean sometimes you don’t make choices that you necessarily want to make but you do because it is what’s best for you. Just like my choice to go to school. I really don’t like school that much, but I know that it will help me with my future. It will make me strive for something that will make me happy in the end.

1 comment:

  1. I've always wondered this too. Why do people ask you what your favorite movie, music, or food is? There are so many to choose from as you said. I like this post because well it's simply a good question. My favorite line of this whole post would have to be, "Just like my choice to go to school. I really don’t like school that much, but I know that it will help me with my future. It will make me strive for something that will make me happy in the end." I like it, because who likes going to school ALL the time? I mean I have my days where I enjoy it, but days where I don't. But it is a choice that we choose for the better of us. I really enjoyed listening to your blog on this topic. I've always had my questions about this too.
