Monday, September 15, 2014

Know Your Audience

I love how everyone is different. It is such a breath of fresh air that not everyone is the same. I really liked answering the questions that were asked by each of my classmates, and it was neat to hear what they had to say as well. There were some pretty basic questions asked, but I liked the odd questions. One of the questions was, “In an apocalyptic scenario, what Disney character would you most want to be paired with?” I enjoyed this question because it was a little out of the box. Some people would choose the best fighter, the best survivors, or even just their favorite character. I choose Tarzan because he would be able to live off the land, and he also knows how to fight as well. Another question was, “What are your goals in life after college?” I thought that this was a more basic question, but it was more personal as well which made it pretty neat to look at the answers to get to know my classmates better. Like me, I have always wanted to get my degree in nursing, but there are so many things that people may want to do and everyone had a different answer. I think it’s cool that everyone in this world is meant to live a different life than anyone else. Then there was another question asking about our most embarrassing moment. This question was a kicker for everyone I think because no one really wants to share what has embarrassed them obviously, because sometimes it’s shameful. It’s difficult to think of something that embarrassed you in the past sometimes, and it seemed like a lot of the answers were a little similar in a way. It is nice to know that those things happened to others as well because it doesn’t seem to be as embarrassing.

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