Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Fiance

I believe that everyone has that special somewhere in the world and some day you are meant to come together whether it’s today or fifty years from now. It just so happens that I met mine about 7-8 years ago. His name is Trey Michael Brown, and he is the love of my life. I love every stubborn thing about him. We met at my grandpa’s church when I was only 13 and he was 14 at the time. I noticed him right away, but he didn’t even notice me because I was younger than him and super tiny. I don’t even think I weighed 80 pounds yet and I was in the 7th grade. A couple of weeks later my wonderful sister decided that she wanted us to get together. I didn’t even have a phone yet but my sister let me text Trey off of her phone. That was the first time that Trey asked me to be his girlfriend, and yes I said the first time. We have actually dated five times. Of course we still talked between our break-ups so I’m not even sure if you could consider that really breaking up. I’m pretty sure that it was my fault each time too because I was so shy. I had trouble even holding his hand let alone kissing him. It took me a year just to kiss him. Trey had so much trouble with it in this time but he was always there for me still. Then about 9-10 months ago, Trey asked me to marry him on top of the waterfall that he built at his work. It was so beautiful even though all of the plants were dead because it was winter. It was the happiest day of my life! Now we are about to move in together and soon after we will be getting married. I’m so excited and nervous at the same time, but I know this is exactly what I want.

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